Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm baaaacccckkkk!

It has been quite a while since I've posted on this blog! I keep forgetting to do it, or I remember at work when I'm way too busy. Lunch break right now, so I thought I'd write a bit.

I went up again last week, and down 1 this week. I am not a big fan of the yo-yo, but at least I'm back in the right direction.

My little sister was in town for the weekend to celebrate her birthday. Celebrating with Laura usually involves copious amounts of alcohol. This year was no different! I have been pretty good about sticking to wine when I drink lately, but my parents bought my favourite coolers (Wildberry), so I had a few of them.

I didn't track all weekend either. That is getting to be a problem. I'm not tracking at home. I hereby vow, with you readers as my witnesses, to track what I'm eating wherever I am!! Home or work, doesn't matter. I need to track it!

I've been reading some people's blogs and messages on the GDT about the # of APs they get per week. I think that might be another one of my problems. I get great APs when I have sports, but since hockey season is over and ball doesn't start for a couple of months, I really need to step up!

I bought the Biggest Loser DVD just after Christmas and I've only watched it once! I also got a yoga DVD from a friend, bought a yoga mat, and I only did that one once too! Bad Amanda!!!

I have been so busy with work, homework (Finance homework is time consuming!), planning the 2008 Spring Fling ( and trying to have some sort of life that I have been neglecting the exercise portion of my life. (I'm also part of a ladies Bible study group on Mondays and a small group on Thursdays). I hardly have time to sleep!

No more excuses though. I need to get going. This is my life I'm trying to change here! No one can do it for me. I have to move more, track more, and pay more attention to my body!

I'm headed to the doctor's office this afternoon. My headaches are pretty constant and I'm in pain quite frequently. I'm going to ask him to do some blood tests and possibly send me for a CT scan to make sure nothing is wrong. I have been going to physio, chiropractor and a massage therapist since January, but not much is changing, except that I am stubbornly working through the headaches more now than I have in the past. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda!!

I'm so sorry your suffering with your headaches. Good for you for being persistent and having an action plan to present to your doctor. You shouldn't have to suffer! Don't be so hard on yourself, its a busy time of year, especially being a student. I know I need to resolve to get back on track. Take it one day at a time!!!